宝得2030型两位两通气动膜片阀,塑料阀体,DN 15-100 Bürkert products and systems can be used wherever fluid media and gases need to be measured, controlled and regulated. Whether the application is filling, level, flow, pressure or temperature we have a solution and a uniquely comprehensive range of products to handle it, including solenoid, process and analytical valves, pneumatic actuation, sensors and controllers.
For Bürkert it is not enough to simply offer individual products. Our aim is to provide complete system and application solutions that meet the specific needs of our customers. l us what you need and our engineers will find an appropriate solution using our vast experience and a wide range of services such as advice and engineering, installation, testing, and after-sales support.
Bürkert's global presence offers our customers an additional advantage. Products and systems are constantly developed and optimised according to international standards. Through this process synergy effects evolve which ensure technological leadership and competitive advantage.
So whether you need a single component or a fully integrated system, call Bürkert first. It could be the only call you need to make.
通用电磁阀:如0121型,0124型,0290型,0330型,0340型,0406型,6013型,6213型,5281型,5404型.分析电磁阀:如6013,6011,0127,6606,0124,6124,6126,6021,6022,6023型等气动阀:如2000型角座阀,2030气动膜片阀,2712气动调节阀,2731气动调节阀等。过程控制阀:如:3230气动 ,2652球阀,2675蝶阀,3232手动膜片阀,2702+1067气动调节阀等。流量计:如8030流量传感器,8035流量控制器带显示器,8045型电磁流量计,8075型容积式流量计等,压力变送器:如8311型,8314型,8320型,8323型等。另有8205型PH变送器\8225型,8226型数字电导率\8175型超声波液位变送器。目前我公司的库存有,5281系列,6213系列,2000系列,8320系列,6014系列,6213系列等,本公司还有一批宝得*产品,欲购从速!如有需要请来电查询,我们会给予*惠的价格,同时,您要有技术方面的需要,我们将热情为您服务,谢谢!